Thursday, June 28, 2007

Arrrrrg Mateeee

Today is the last day of work till my long awaited 10 day rest. Ohhh I'm so excited! The adventures I will have, the places I'll go, the lounging I'll do. Its bound to be the most wondrous of times. If i am lucky Mr sun will peek his Mr head from behind those hefty clouds and we will exchange glances. Of course, I will probably go blind due to my sensitive retina's, but that's OK, because I'll have like 9 more days to re-coup.

I'm going to try and not go on the stupid computer at all, my hands really need the rest. Instead I will play dog hockey with my dog and draw pictures of people that I hope never exsist. It will be grand!

Nicole and I will get drunk and lay in bed all day. We're also going to visit the aquarium and maybe see those famous otters that hold hands, I hear they're totally hot. Maybe we'll find a treasure and feel a bit like urban pirates. We may also go on a great excursion with Brian and Megan, I'm sure Brian will trip on something or break a glass and we'll have a nice laugh. I Will bring my camera and at the end of my vacation, have a plethora of photo's to chose from when making a new post.

Lets just hope I don't crash and die on my way home from work! :)

Tuesday, June 05, 2007


Yes, this is halarious, don't be alarmed.

Friday, June 01, 2007

Closer To the lung

The sweet lips of summer drip with anticipation.

I don't seem to be inclined to write about particular events these days... I rather prefer to to write in a sort of descriptive ambiance. I think that my brain may also be processing thoughts in a relatively similar manner. Of course, by describing this to you I am neglecting my desire in a most paradoxical way, but ignore that.

I don't think as a child I truly appreciated summer as I do now. I mean I loved the 'not having school' part of it, and the water fights, and the urine drinking competitions, but honestly, who didn't?

But seriously, I am an avid admirer of all the seasons, for they're respective benefits, but god, Summer, like fuck! just the smell of the nights, the scent of all those thriving flowers calmly swirling through the air. The warmth in which you can wear nothing and still be perfectly comfortable. Or the fact that almost any deftones song fits so perfectly with the vibe of the repeatedly sweet and soothing nights.

It will make you smile.