Thursday, June 28, 2007

Arrrrrg Mateeee

Today is the last day of work till my long awaited 10 day rest. Ohhh I'm so excited! The adventures I will have, the places I'll go, the lounging I'll do. Its bound to be the most wondrous of times. If i am lucky Mr sun will peek his Mr head from behind those hefty clouds and we will exchange glances. Of course, I will probably go blind due to my sensitive retina's, but that's OK, because I'll have like 9 more days to re-coup.

I'm going to try and not go on the stupid computer at all, my hands really need the rest. Instead I will play dog hockey with my dog and draw pictures of people that I hope never exsist. It will be grand!

Nicole and I will get drunk and lay in bed all day. We're also going to visit the aquarium and maybe see those famous otters that hold hands, I hear they're totally hot. Maybe we'll find a treasure and feel a bit like urban pirates. We may also go on a great excursion with Brian and Megan, I'm sure Brian will trip on something or break a glass and we'll have a nice laugh. I Will bring my camera and at the end of my vacation, have a plethora of photo's to chose from when making a new post.

Lets just hope I don't crash and die on my way home from work! :)


Anonymous Anonymous said...

hmm we have yet to get drunk. but the week is young(ish).

12:58 AM  

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