Wednesday, May 02, 2007

A Message From a Friend

A message from Fredrick Vonoughon:

Dear Friend, How have you been? Its been a long while since we've spoken, I'm sure you feared the sea's had gotten the best of me! You must have spent many sleepless nights awaiting a faithful letter, yet tragically, nothing arrived. I apologise for this dear friend, you see, I've been quite busy in my adventures and haven't had the time to tell you I'm still in one piece! Well at least now you can calm your nerves knowing i am safe and doing well.

I seems only fair for me to regale you with a few of the unbelievable tales of my travels, especially after waiting so long for this letter!

I suppose I should start somewhere near the beginning... It seems so long ago, when we parted ways... I set out to explore the unknown, with nothing but my the clothes on my back, and a few pence in my pocket. Yes, I was so naive back then... I set out, knowing nothing of the world, however a did posses a few skill that would work greatly to my advantage; a sharp wit, and the most nimble fingers this side of the Mediterranean!

As I left home, I trekked the land, for what seemed like months, till finally I spotted a native transport making its way over the rigorous terrain and screamed out for it. Eventually it stopped and I negotiated with the captain (for a small sum) to let me ride it till I reached my destination, wherever that may be.

The things we saw, where amazing my friend, all sorts of markets you could imagine, huge mammoth structures reaching out to the gods, and strange foreign people, in bizarre garments. Yes I do believe I saw it all.

Suddenly the captain ordered everyone off the vassal immediately, (I believe it was an ambush) so I jumped off and ran as fast as my legs could carry me.

I don't know what happened after this but the next thing I remember was standing on a a towering plank, looking down at deep blue water.

'Jump' the pirates screamed.

'jump now', they commanded.

I thought this would be it, the end of my life. Fed the the sharks lashing in the depths below yet I had no alternative, so I jumped.


I smacked the water and swam for my life, heaving aqua as I climbed the sea , farther and farther, not knowing where to go.

After exhausting myself I was eventually rescued by a hero from the 'guards of life' He must of though I was handsome because he tried to kiss me passionately, I kindly refused after a breif moment.

I am safe now friend, I hope this letter finds you, and you can tell the world of my adventures.

Sincerely , your friend, freddy.

P.S They have futuristic robots that drink urine here! I'm going to ask one out on a date, wish me luck!

Fred took the bus to the pool where he went swimming yesterday.... He kind of likes to exaggerate.