Sunday, July 27, 2008

fisher transcript

So, i am beginning to suspect that i am actually two people...

Sometimes I will like zone out and when i snap back into it i have like no sense of what the hell I've been doing.. I'll even occasionally wake up in strange places with no recollection of how the fuck i got there..

I don't know, maybe i- i sleep walk or something... but I'll get odd glances from people like their acknowledging something. Shit, I've even had people come up and talk to me like we've met. I have no idea who they are but its weird, you know?

It could be that there is just some asshole who looks like me.. but there is something not right about these people. I don't know how to describe it, i just get that feeling from them.

The man who they confuse me with, well apparently his name is Mr Fisher... i don't know his first name, or i should say, the people i have met who thought i was him don't know his first name. How mysterious.

I guess this could all just be a coincidence, i mean maybe its all in my head. There is some guy out there who looks like me and i sleep walk or have narcolepsy or some shit, but i keep waking up with these god awful headaches.

and the nightmares...


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