Tuesday, July 03, 2007

'... Jenvieve began her day with a large glass of orange juice and a slice of toast covered in peanut butter. She Would probably still be fast asleep had Vesmund, her dog not of been inclined to vigorously lick her left foot.

It was early afternoon on a Tuesday, though it didn't particularly matter to Jenvieve. This was because she recently convinced her employer that her parents had been killed by a pack of rabid zeebras, while visiting Africa for the first time. As such, she would need a few weeks off to mourn their loss.

Normally at this time of day, Jenvieve would be siting at her desk counting how many times per hour Harold (who sat directly across from her) sneezed. Although mildly entertaining, she was much happier siting at the dinner table where she currently was , eating peanut butter toast, and filling her mind with the delightfull muse that was written in the paper....'


Anonymous Anonymous said...

you're right, it does look like a movie frame. that light application is crazy. right now i'm sitting in the dark in my house, and i keep hearing weird noises and then i try to tell myself that it's just cats. i really, really hope it is.

1:00 AM  
Anonymous Anonymous said...

allan i don't know what to do!! my blog won't let me publish anything, it just saves things to drafts. i was reading some stuff in the help section but it was all utterly useless in that it talked about my problem but nothing they said to do worked!! urgghhhhh. i hate technology.

3:34 PM  
Blogger bythedrift said...

have you tryed just copieing what you wrote and making a compleatly new post and deleteing the old one? perhaps it is just stuck? i would like to see what you mean, if you need there is this thing with msn called remote desktop or sometihng whetre i can actualy control your computer and stuff so i can fiddle around in your account thing to get it to work?

1:34 PM  

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