Thursday, September 11, 2008

Gangbangin' ain't easy

hey y'all, just got back from the streets, because I'm hard. anyways i though it would be worth a note that pretending to be black is not as easy as it initially sounds. I find it quite perplexing actually. I had all the fashion attire including over sized basketball jersey down to a tee in addition to rhetoric of all the hippest slang and lingo this side of the Fraser river. My mother did a really good job on my face paint as well, in fact when i looked in a mirror i was initially frightened by the negro standing there within.

Anyways despite covering all the bases i still, believe it or not, had a hard time fitting in with the local 5th street hooligans. I was threatened, then knocked on conscious and i may have even been raped. Perhaps this is sort of an initiation thing, a hoop you must jump through to be 'one of them'.. I'm not really sure but these goofballs mean business, that's for sure. Maybe i just don't have what it takes to be black. On second thought, that's nonsense! By goly I am no giver upper, no sir, not me! Heck, expect me back on the streets again tomorrow pushing drugs and slapping sex trade workers with my fellow blacksmen.

Oh, and to anyone thinking about experimenting with cigarette dildos be advised, make sure you have your partners permission. things can get pretty chaotic otherwise and could even get a bit dangerous, so be careful out there gents.

A-Dawwwg over and out.