Thursday, March 27, 2008

10 things i want to do befor i die.

1. drink eggnog upside down.

2. reenact the entire cats musical in a small children's pool dressed as a shark.

3. un-bury all those paychecks i buried...

4. only have sex with prostitutes that are alive.

5. not get aids (see above).

6. fight a dragon, and come close to winning.

7. dodge at least nine bullets.

8. predict the end of the world. (must happen after i am dead).

9. become a wizard (must be able to cast fire spells). This would probably come in handy when fighting that dragon.

10. build a city out of pretzels and live in it for at least week.

11. marry the woman of my dreams (also made of pretzels, we met in the city i built).

I am reminded of an old mentors advice, 'If you believe in yourself Jonathan, you will succeed'.

Monday, March 03, 2008

Watch the news, please!

I'm going to rant here for a while, so i hope your all in the mood to listen to me bitch.

Ok so lately i am just sick and tired of people who don't listen to / read / watch / or even care about the news. Either they say the don't have time, they've got more important things to do or they just don't care because somehow it makes no difference to them. First of all, i think its completely selfish to think like that, not to mention downright self centered! Second of all, you can learn alot just by knowing what has happened or is happening to others. Take for example Britney Spears and her whole situation ok, groundbreaking shit and right off the bat we have a life lesson. We can easily learn not to get impregnated by one of your dancers because he'll flake off and force you to drugs. Also, we learned its a better (and easier) idea to abort your baby before its born rather then after(much trickyer)! But if all else fails, we all know to flash your snatch a couple times! I mean how many young teen women could benefit from this lesson? Paris has shown us how to have fun and enjoy life, that prison can be cool and fun and that you can still be totally popular (and fun) even though your vagina is gushing with STD's. Still, with these fun, illuminating discovery's being unearthed by the greatest and most powerful people on the planet some continue to plug their tiny ears and go on there merry way.

I mean come on guys, How would we of known that skateboarding isn't gay if it wasn't for Avril eye opening jam 'Sk8er bOi'. And politics guys, politics! how the fucking heck would we know who to vote for in the up and comming election if it wasn't for the celebs guiding us on the coolest running mates of the campaign. And religion oh god sweet fucking god, religion! if anyone knows the quickest way to be snorting holy coke in god's exclusive and elite 'club in the clouds' with shin splinting class, its our glorious and infanitly brave and wise celebs!

Why did Bennifer not work out? hello, they're horoscopes are completely incompatible. Boom! lesson number one thousand. I could go on and on, but we all know this. I want to talk about the people out there in this world today who are completely oblivious of any of this information.

It just, it worries me really, i mean, how are people going to know which brand of tires or cola or eye liner or syringes to use if they don't listen to a word that these perfect god dwarfing beings are saying/doing. How are you going to know what to wear out to the club tonight, if you don't flip open a mag and check the hippest outfits that girls like Lindsey lohan and j-lo are wearing. I mean FUCK, fuck your self to death in the head with a shovel if your so ignorant that you can't even afford to flick on the T.V for a couple hours to check out extra, TMV and E True Hollywood stories. For god sake people, your going to soon realise that you can't function without this basic fundamental information. How are you going to fit in at work when everyone is talking about Idol or new pussycat dolls, and your like 'oh but uhh science this and uhh umm-' and you start drooling like a pile of alligator shit! You don't have guchi? your a fucking looser! Why are you not anorexic, fatty! Talk to me when you have giant glases covering most of your face and i can see your fucking bones, bitch! There is no excuse for anyone in this world (except blacks) to allow themselves the mis-oportunity of being de-educated by NOT watching, listening or as a very last resort, reading, the most important news from Hollywood and around the world (if a celeb happends to be visiting there)!

OH shit, Mischa Barton just farted, gtg!!!