Sunday, November 11, 2007

The Cross

Ohh, we humans are such strange creatures. I'll never be able to control the fact that my respect for some one jumps 100 percent if they like mars Volta, or my fixation with drawing or observing Gothic artwork. I can't help that i usually have a natural distaste for most of the people that i meet, or that i will completely abandon the conversation i am having with someone if tool starts to play; even if i have to struggle to hear it over the drunken chatter of mostly crappy humans. And when someone says 'Ive got a Leonardo DiCaprio thing going on' i cant help but be a little insulted as it seems to imply that i am some sort of sub spawn of this famous and successful person. Although to most this would probably be considered a compliment, i cant say it doesn't piss me off a little.