Saturday, April 28, 2007

Holographic themes

I was driving into delta tonight to watch what was left of the Canucks game at a friends house. I was surprised as I merged on the highway by the prevalent psychedelic colors of the sky. A very vivid blue collided passionately with the searing orange on what was probably the most beautiful sunset I have ever seen in my entire life. The hole sky was painted in purple orange and blue, it was fucking mesmerising. In fact, I almost crashed about 3 times because my eyes could not escape its beauty.

Now the name of my blog is called tragic thoughts, and this is why... I didn't have my fucking camera. I was considering bringing it for fun but I figured we'd just be siting around watching the game and didn't bother. And look what I missed. LOOK WHAT I FUCKING MISSED!!!

My memories and petty descriptions give this event no justice what so ever. As I drove across the Alex Frazer half considering swerving off the edge , I was screaming fragments of words in anger. Why couldn't have I just brought the damn camera with me? GIAAA GGGJHRH FUCK FUCK FUCK! Well, at least Ive learned a lesson... The hard way, as it may be...

Fucking tragic.

so here is a picture 300 times not as good as the one I was describing.

Sunday, April 22, 2007

Spring is here again.

Because I am such a fan of new beginings, I thought I would start a brand new blog from scratch. Ive kept all my old entries; as you can see below. Perhaps some time I'll repost a couple of the funny ones.

Unfortunatly my head is void of any substantial thought at this moment in time so I will save you the task of reading a stream of running words.

Tuesday, April 17, 2007
